Hari pertama, tanggal 1, bulan 1, 2010.
Yup! Hari ini adalah tahun baru 2010. Banyak yang bersemangat dan antusias. Beberapa menanggapinya dengan biasa saja krn merasa stp hr sama saja.
Tapi memang tahun baru membawa antusias tersendiri. Meskipun terjadi bnyk bencana, masalah, kesedihan; tp thn baru seolah-olah 'memaksa' kita utk meninggalkan semua itu. Menggantinya dgn sebuah cahaya dari harapan dan tiba2 penuhlah semua daftar resolusi yang kita harapkan.
Ya ! Tahun baru, awal baru untuk menapaki awal yang baru. Ibarat diary, tutup saja semua yg tjd di tahun 2009. Ambil diary baru isi dengan semua cerita dan kisah. Apapun yang terjadi, kesedihan dan tertawa gembira membawa warna sendiri bagi hidup kita.
Sama dengan kebanyakan orang, g pun memiliki daftar harapan. Puji Tuhan akhirnya g bisa ambil langkah tepat. Walaupun sempat memiliki keraguan krn keptusan yang diambil termasuk yang plg sulit. Tp stp hari merasa ini yang plg tepat.
Ada pluis minus dr keputusan ini. Tp ttp berpegang prinsip ingin menjalankan hidup ini sesuai hati.
'How to find your sweet spot' dari Max Lucado, berangkat dari buku itu seolah menampar g utk memilih pekerjaan yg tepat.
Sebenarnya bbrp kali kesempatan untuk kept ini hanya belum berani meninggallkan tempat yang merupakan comfort zone utk g.
Puji Tuhan, bln Desember ini akhirnya berani melangkah dari comfort zone itu. Tidak sabar untuk belajar hal baru, memiliki semangat stp pagi dan bangun dgn hati yang cerah :).
Untuk beberapa minusnya, pasti bs di take care dgn baik. Yakin bhw Dia tidak akan meninggalkn g,karena hal ini sudah terbukti :).
Semuanya kembali ke terang... G jg mulai merasa semangat 'hidup baru, hari baru, semangat baru'
Be blessed,
it's your attitude, not your aptitude which determine your altitude of life ... be great !
make a spirit for new year
What a blast! Long time I'm not writing since... Gosh I don't remember ;). Let's writing again.
It's a miracle.. Just need for one blink from His eyes, everything seems moved to good light. Some shit happened! But the nice things following.
About a miracle.. Does it exist?
One still holding faith in their heart... Like I always do.
But the miracle will work with us.
It's a gift yes I believe that. But I think our Creator doesn't expect us be lazy..
Not do anything, just sit back waiting for a star!
Hah life is not that simply
It's complicated! It should be complicated..
Joy, fun, sad, tears become 1 in a fine way..
Should we fear, should be worry?
Yes! ... But we have out only hope, wish, and expectation
They will make us strong and calm
We have Father that always watching and make sure our steps is in His way
We can smile when the storm is coming
but this is what I believe:
Miracle works with us
We work so there'a a miracle
Miracle lays in our heart...it builds hope
Pray for it, go for it, just WORK... And the miracle will WORK finally
Don't be a lazy...don't you ever think it will come for free..
Life is not free... Life is always about hope,pray, and WORK
Work for Him... In every single step
Be blessed,
It's a miracle.. Just need for one blink from His eyes, everything seems moved to good light. Some shit happened! But the nice things following.
About a miracle.. Does it exist?
One still holding faith in their heart... Like I always do.
But the miracle will work with us.
It's a gift yes I believe that. But I think our Creator doesn't expect us be lazy..
Not do anything, just sit back waiting for a star!
Hah life is not that simply
It's complicated! It should be complicated..
Joy, fun, sad, tears become 1 in a fine way..
Should we fear, should be worry?
Yes! ... But we have out only hope, wish, and expectation
They will make us strong and calm
We have Father that always watching and make sure our steps is in His way
We can smile when the storm is coming
but this is what I believe:
Miracle works with us
We work so there'a a miracle
Miracle lays in our heart...it builds hope
Pray for it, go for it, just WORK... And the miracle will WORK finally
Don't be a lazy...don't you ever think it will come for free..
Life is not free... Life is always about hope,pray, and WORK
Work for Him... In every single step
Be blessed,
so dumb...
in my sleep just thiking on it...
What have i done! I made a same mistake, twice..
God..what should i do if i cannot find them...
How can i meet their faces...?
What have i told them?
For 2 days.. I have been living in afraidness..
I know U always have a way.. And i should be brave... But i cannot...
My pray: give me Your strenght ... Help find them...
I.. Surrender in Your hand...follow Your path..
-feel hopeless-
What have i done! I made a same mistake, twice..
God..what should i do if i cannot find them...
How can i meet their faces...?
What have i told them?
For 2 days.. I have been living in afraidness..
I know U always have a way.. And i should be brave... But i cannot...
My pray: give me Your strenght ... Help find them...
I.. Surrender in Your hand...follow Your path..
-feel hopeless-
the changes...
I'm not kind a person that always exciting about changes... Every changes that happened, i need time to adjust myself with it...
But i always longing for changes; hoping good changes. Never want to let go the HOPE... Because in hope, i always find the strenght... I put hope really high in my Dad...
This days... A lot of changes is happened. I'm shocked... I did some mistakes... But this thing, the situation is really much like hell for me. I've been underestimated by some people... But i won't do anything to get revenge or anything. I think it's not important... But i'm so confuse what should i do? I feel like i have no options... But i'm trying to make a difference. Try to make the situation more bright... trying to be optimist and not afraid of anything. trying to hold His strenght! although, i'm scare of this thing. this thing too much, but He will defeat it with me.
the funny fact is i'm not excited about changes; but i'm thinking to make a big jump of changes.
i don't what going to be, how the result, how the ending say...
but everything gonna be alright. i will not be ignored by Him, or abondoned...
so, i'll be fine.
NO! I'll be PERFECT at the end.
-feel dizzy-
be blessed.
what life is...
life is... what?
semua pastinya punya persepsi sendiri yang mereka pertahankan.
ttg hidupnya pun pasti juga punya pendapatnya masing-masing. ada yang so damn happy with their life... ada yang merasa kurang, ada yang di tengah-tengahnya.
my life... terrific great actually. He gave me so many blessing... tp bener kata orang, hidup itu harus berjuang krn kalau ga, kita ga tahu arti kata bersyukur.
g berada di kondisi yang cukup sulit saat ini. sampai-sampai sebenarnya g ga tau apa yang harus g lakuin; apa yang harus g putuskan. just playing game: what if... yang g ga brani nerusin kata-kata "what if" itu.
friends... malaikat tanpa sayap.
ada satu kala g bener-bener percaya itu dan terkadang itu terbukti. tp memang kita ga bs berharap ke sapa pun juga. stp org punya urusannya sendiri. dan untuk apa g peduli sama org yang justru ga peduli sama g.
g punya org2 yang peduli sama g. dan saat ini, i'll focus on their life too.
bukannya memperhitungkan kebaikan-kebaikan orang; hanya tersadar, kadang kita menghabiskan waktu untuk memikirkan dan berlelah-lelah berbuat baik kepada org yang sebenarnya belum tentu peduli sama kita. dan justru org yang peduli dan sayang sama kita, kadang kita lupakan krn tanpa sadar kita cenderung mikirnya toh mereka akan memahami kesibukan kita... yang dimana kita sibuk sama org2 yang belum tentu care sama kita.
i don't wanna lose this people... people that care and love me.
people that count every step of mine.
i'll focus for them...
g ga akan peduli dengan org-org yang nyatanya say/do something bad behind my back.
they are not my friend.
g baru ambil keputusan untuk bener2 ga berhubungan dengan beberapa yang katanya temen g. muak g sama org seperti itu! jaga jarak mungkin akan lebih baik. baik untuknya, dan g.
bosan dengan mereka!
muak dengan mereka!
jadi sementara ini, mungkin ada baiknya g fokus dulu sama masalah besar yang g hadapin.g ga mungkin singkirin gajah di depan mata. g juga ga mungkin diam and not do anything.
tp g juga ga tau harus berbuat apa.
-so empty-
new beginning
big thing!
setelah beberapa lama situasi kantor jadi aneh...menyebalkan! akhirnya merasa bertemu setitik terang.
ga percuma keep a little light of hope... He opened it. memang ada beberapa hal yang masih terlihat menakutkan dan semuanya complicated. tapi beberapa mulai terarah. walaupun capenya setengah mati krn terjadi atau harus terjadi beberapa perubahan; mikirin perubahan, harus do things better, dan krn banyak pikiran aduhhhh pulang tepar booo! tidur jadi ga nyenyak juga hehe...kl uda nyenyak, ogah bangun ... masih mau malas-malas'an di ranjang he3...
tapi emang ya sebaik baiknya org, pasti suatu saat akan meninggalkan. jangan pernah berharap ke manusia, karena akan kecewa banget. sekalipun fisik nya beredar di sekitar kita, ketika ada satu hal mengancam, manusia akan mencari celah supaya dirinya aman dan ga peduli tentang orang lain.
just Him, who never let you go...
i do the same too...
will never let go of His love...
be blessed
setelah beberapa lama situasi kantor jadi aneh...menyebalkan! akhirnya merasa bertemu setitik terang.
ga percuma keep a little light of hope... He opened it. memang ada beberapa hal yang masih terlihat menakutkan dan semuanya complicated. tapi beberapa mulai terarah. walaupun capenya setengah mati krn terjadi atau harus terjadi beberapa perubahan; mikirin perubahan, harus do things better, dan krn banyak pikiran aduhhhh pulang tepar booo! tidur jadi ga nyenyak juga hehe...kl uda nyenyak, ogah bangun ... masih mau malas-malas'an di ranjang he3...
tapi emang ya sebaik baiknya org, pasti suatu saat akan meninggalkan. jangan pernah berharap ke manusia, karena akan kecewa banget. sekalipun fisik nya beredar di sekitar kita, ketika ada satu hal mengancam, manusia akan mencari celah supaya dirinya aman dan ga peduli tentang orang lain.
just Him, who never let you go...
i do the same too...
will never let go of His love...
be blessed
birthday story:
jumat, 13 Feb 2009
cool... ultah berdua...sama lahir di tanggal yang sama, hanya berbeda tahun. menyenangkan juga! ya tentu saja menjadi tidak special sendiri...tp spesial berdua haha!
ok...first thing to do in birthday: blow the candle !
it's time for looking a cake...
pilihan pertama: cheese cake harvest! yummy...!
cepet-cepet telepon, tapi ...
harvest ga mo nganterin ke rumah g yang notabennya tangerang!
well ok...coret harvest...
pilihan kedua: cheese cake eaton! hmmmm slurp!
tlp eaton...
again! ga mo nganterin...
hah pusing...akhirnya memutuskan dateng ke CL untuk beli eaton...
telepon lagi untuk booking kue nya... shut!!! malah abis sekrang...weleh!
tanya temen, akhirnya direkomendasi bakery ciputra...
ya weis lah book kuenya. rada expensive but ya sutralah...
bawa pulang kue, dijemput firman meluncur ke rumah ;)
tepat jem 12 tengah mlm...we blew the cake...!!! yeaaahhhh senangnya...
kita berdoa...dan akhirnya potong kue dan makan...
hmmm blacklist...kuenya ga enak!
sabtu, 14 Feb 2009
the DAY!
siangnya kita beli makanan...
ikan gurame saos manis pedas! yummy.... my fav: fish!!
dan menu lainnya kita bawa pulang dan makan di rumah g bareng mami.
sudah kenyang...
g siap2 ke TA with my mini dress ;)... pergi ke TA.
rencananya seh mo nonton...tp karena temen g telepon ngajak dinner bareng double date gt ya apa blh buat... batal dan akhirnya dinner...
minggu, 15 Feb 2009
berasa ga pol krn kmrn ga "milik" berdua...
berasa ga enak ma my hon! jadi pergi ke puri... baru deh puasin nonton 2 film sekaligus : bride wars & defiance...
bagus! ;p...
hah pokoknya bener2 menyenangkan punya pacar...
so happy with him!... the best bday i've ever had!
jumat, 13 Feb 2009
cool... ultah berdua...sama lahir di tanggal yang sama, hanya berbeda tahun. menyenangkan juga! ya tentu saja menjadi tidak special sendiri...tp spesial berdua haha!
ok...first thing to do in birthday: blow the candle !
it's time for looking a cake...
pilihan pertama: cheese cake harvest! yummy...!
cepet-cepet telepon, tapi ...
harvest ga mo nganterin ke rumah g yang notabennya tangerang!
well ok...coret harvest...
pilihan kedua: cheese cake eaton! hmmmm slurp!
tlp eaton...
again! ga mo nganterin...
hah pusing...akhirnya memutuskan dateng ke CL untuk beli eaton...
telepon lagi untuk booking kue nya... shut!!! malah abis sekrang...weleh!
tanya temen, akhirnya direkomendasi bakery ciputra...
ya weis lah book kuenya. rada expensive but ya sutralah...
bawa pulang kue, dijemput firman meluncur ke rumah ;)
tepat jem 12 tengah mlm...we blew the cake...!!! yeaaahhhh senangnya...
kita berdoa...dan akhirnya potong kue dan makan...
hmmm blacklist...kuenya ga enak!
sabtu, 14 Feb 2009
the DAY!
siangnya kita beli makanan...
ikan gurame saos manis pedas! yummy.... my fav: fish!!
dan menu lainnya kita bawa pulang dan makan di rumah g bareng mami.
sudah kenyang...
g siap2 ke TA with my mini dress ;)... pergi ke TA.
rencananya seh mo nonton...tp karena temen g telepon ngajak dinner bareng double date gt ya apa blh buat... batal dan akhirnya dinner...
minggu, 15 Feb 2009
berasa ga pol krn kmrn ga "milik" berdua...
berasa ga enak ma my hon! jadi pergi ke puri... baru deh puasin nonton 2 film sekaligus : bride wars & defiance...
bagus! ;p...
hah pokoknya bener2 menyenangkan punya pacar...
so happy with him!... the best bday i've ever had!
to life...
we blame more than understand
life is actually not to live the days we love
but to love the days we live...
that quote seems simple but really hard to do.
i am in the middle of the hard day, but not the hardest day... i've done it before.
but i am trying to struggle this time.
afraid, worry, negative things come rounds me
the feeling: i'm useless is coming in my head.
move forward, i will losing things that I've just earned
move backward, i'm stuck
to the left or right, i don't know the direction
just look up and pray to my only One
what should i do?
i don't know the answer for sure...
i've decided... a big movement
is it the right thing?
i can't say
is it bad thing?
so i decided do it... even it's risk full, but i've choiced.
it's not the best, but better for me or others
i am trying to keep a little light of hope...
i know nothing, but He does.
i am sure He will make a way like in the past...
a good thing in a good time..
when time is perfect, i will get the perfect thing
i believe it.
i believe Him.
-waiting a miracle-
noel...n new year
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