
the changes...
I'm not kind a person that always exciting about changes... Every changes that happened, i need time to adjust myself with it...
But i always longing for changes; hoping good changes. Never want to let go the HOPE... Because in hope, i always find the strenght... I put hope really high in my Dad...
This days... A lot of changes is happened. I'm shocked... I did some mistakes... But this thing, the situation is really much like hell for me. I've been underestimated by some people... But i won't do anything to get revenge or anything. I think it's not important... But i'm so confuse what should i do? I feel like i have no options... But i'm trying to make a difference. Try to make the situation more bright... trying to be optimist and not afraid of anything. trying to hold His strenght! although, i'm scare of this thing. this thing too much, but He will defeat it with me.
the funny fact is i'm not excited about changes; but i'm thinking to make a big jump of changes.
i don't what going to be, how the result, how the ending say...
but everything gonna be alright. i will not be ignored by Him, or abondoned...
so, i'll be fine.
NO! I'll be PERFECT at the end.

-feel dizzy-
be blessed.