no doubt! i'm sick of that feeling.. feeling blue.. feeling grey... named any color and i've been through all of that.
it's literally not move at all. so weird of being something like that. in the other way well yeah i need go on my own business. where's mine? where's my cheese? who moved my cheese? well i didn't see my cheese before.. but it's kindda (already) moved! woaaaalllaaaa kind of surprise or something or magically moved? Ooo No.. here me again being forgot that i already moved somewhere between of the stimulus and respond... and i (once again: already) moved! not magically but already into cooked process. suddenly,
it's kindda fascinating, a brain had a trillion nerves and cells that could be a storage of thoughts, memories, analytic, musical, et cetera et cetera, and of course problems solving. did i just get a half of normally brain so i can't think how to solve a problems.. or my analytic competence so low so i can't get a win-win situation? well my IQ showed my analytic ability above average and my brain surely not just a half... but what could be make my life seems this way, a bad-situation.
"when He opened the door, no one can closed it... He will open it widely"
well i'm sure... but the question is, has He opened the door for me? that my reflection. i'm pretty sure He gave me this ways, but why i still stuck in the middle? why i feel something (many things) wrong? why i found myself worry? do i have a high tense? this questions killing me.. so please please go away...
for you all negative bad aura things, get out of my head and heart! i wanna breath a new air fresh one... and for all my problems... i give you... yes i give you : SMILE! ;D, the most powerful weapon...
and i hope i get Your blessing,